Ressources for GeoSpatial Integration for Talend
We are pleased to provide you with ressources such as version information and tutorials for Spatial-ETL with GeoSpatial Integration for Talend.
Plugin Improvements
Version | Comment | Publication date |
4.0.0 | Updates for Talend Studio Version 8.0.1. Update of SpatiaLite libraries. This version supports Talend Version 8.0.1 and 7.3.1. | 25.02.2022 |
3.0.2 | Oracle dGeometryToOracleObject component writes SDO_GEOMETRY for points as SDO_POINT. It does not use anymore the SDO_ELEM_INFO and SDO_ORDINATES to describe the geometry. This results on better performance for points. Fixes for coordinate transformation for some coordinate systems in dProject component. | 26.10.2020 |
3.0.1 | Fixes for Oracle dGeometryToOracleObject component: The component can re-use an existing connection if available. Property Use an existing connection lists the available tDBConnection components. The component accepts SRID = NULL when the input data does not have SRID. | 18.08.2020 |
3.0.0 | Simplification of the libraries included in the plugin package. In this version the libraries used by the plugin were renamed so they do not conflict with libraries used by Talend components. Logging enhancement. Fix for component dCoordinateFetcher. | 27.02.2020 |
2.1.2 | Fix for the creation of multilines when aggregating lines. | 22.11.2019 |
2.1.1 | Unnecessary libraries were excluded from installer | 20.10.2019 |
2.1.0 | This version supports Talend Version 7.1.1 and 7.2.1. Extension of GeoJSON components (dGeoJSONObjectToGeometry, dGeometryToGeoJSONObject) to read and write LRS measures as property in the GeoJSON file. Extension of Oracle components (dOracleObjectToGeometry, dGeometryToOracleObject) to recognize measure coordinate in LRS geometries, read/write coordinates with measures from/to Oracle. New LRS functions. See more details LRS Functionality. New function to simplify linear and polygonal geometries using the Douglas–Peucker algorithm (DGeometryOperation.SIMPLIFY_DouglasPeucker). See details in Routines section. | 18.09.2019 |
2.0.3 | Fix when reading polylines from shape files. Update of libraries for reading Spatialite files in macOS environment. | 21.06.2019 |
2.0.2 | Unnecessary libraries were excluded from installer | 18.03.2019 |
2.0.1 | Fix for automatic creation of tables with geometry in tOracleOutput/tPostgresqlOutput (tDBOutput) components in a flow when passing the geometry from plugin components (dGeometryToOracleObject and dGeometryToPostgisObject respectively). It was not possible to automatically create tables that contain a geometry field when component Action on table was set to Drop table if exists and create/Create table if does not exist. See more details and best practices in the documentation for dGeometryToOracleObject and dGeometryToPostgisObject. | 20.12.2018 |
2.0.0 | New components to read and write geometries in GeoJSON format: dGeometryToGeoJSONObject and dGeoJSONObjectToGeometry Function to simplify linear and polygonal geometries: DGeometryOperation.SIMPLIFY. See details in Routines section This version supports only Talend Version 7.0.1 and higher versions | 28.11.2018 |
1.0.6 | Possible to save Multigeometries when target database differs from source database New functions to read and write Well-Known Binary (WKB) representations of a geometry: DGeometryOperation.FROM_WKB, DGeometryOperation.TO_WKB. See details in Routines section | 07.09.2018 |
1.0.4 | Geospatial Integration libraries are included when a job is built for execution outside Talend dOracleObejctToGeometry Reject flow improved to show error message for rejected geometries | 16.02.2018 |
1.0.3 | Support for Talend Version 6.4.1 | |
1.0.2 | Improvement for Area and Length Calculation | 04.08.2017 |
1.0.1 | Bugfix for dGeomTxtInput | 17.05.2017 |
1.0.0 | Initial release | 24.04.2017 |
Demo Workspace Improvements
Plugin-Version | Action | Job | Job-Version |
2.0.0 | New | Airports_to_GeoJSON | 0.1 |
2.0.0 | Update | Areas_per_Country | 0.3 |
2.0.0 | Update | Lakes_in_Country_Borders | 0.2 |
1.0.4 | Update | Ship_broken_GPS | 0.3 |
1.0.2 | Update Update Update Create | Areas_per Country Cities_near_Airport Ship_broken_GPS a_CreateTable_Postgres b_ShpsPostgres c_SpeciesDistribution_Postgres | 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 |
Sample Data Improvements
Plug-in-Version | Action | File |
1.0.2 | Update | in\DataPreparation\WindFarm |
With the help of our tutorials you can practice the use of GeoSpatial Integration for Talend. Yall you need is a Talend installation and the plug-in GeoSpatial Integration for Talend, which you can download from our website. The zip file contains all needed sample data.