Data Analytics. Reporting. GIS.

Disy is the leading supplier of solutions regarding data analysis and reporting for authorities in German-speaking countries.

With state-of-the-art software and a passion for specialised questions, we provide our customers with the basis for making quick data-based decisions, efficiently handling their reporting duties and specialised tasks. One of our proven areas of expertise is the seamless incorporation of spatial data into all data-supported processes. Our solutions are based on disy Cadenza, our product which unites data analytics, reporting and GIS in a unique manner.

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disy Cadenza
Overview. All over. Over all.

disy Cadenza is the perfect software solution for integrated analysis, visualisation and distribution of data. It is the only tool available on the market that merges data analytics, reporting and spatial information seamlessly on one software platform.

Easy handling, a variety of  functions, extensive users management and simplicity of configuration have made disy Cadenza one of the most popular tools on many thousands of workstations. On the desktop, on the web or when you’re on the road.