

Since the 1980s, environmental administration has developed into a central interface for social and political decision-making processes.

Daily work challenges arise from the questions of its departments, which are as versatile as the environment itself. At the same time, almost all issues have a spatial reference. This generally makes environmental administration a data-intensive administration.

Informing the Public and Supporting Decisions

Environmental administration acts as an interface between citizens and other authorities, requiring an intensive exchange of both parties. Based on scientific methods, environmental administration agencies systematically and efficiently prepare decision-making of enormous importance. Another important characteristic of this department’s work: With the introduction of laws such as Geodata Access Act (GeoZG) and a growing public interest in environmental issues, environmental administration time and again plays the role of a pioneer. For example, it pioneered an open data exchange between authorities, the development of national spatial data infrastructures and the current initiative “Open Government Data”. As a result, special technological requirements arise for environmental management tools.

Data analysis, reporting and GIS for environmental management

Data Analysis, Reporting and GIS for Environmental Management

Since its foundation, Disy has been developing technologies and solutions for the challenges of environmental management. Our globally unique product and consulting portfolio scale from solutions for individual departments up to departmental infrastructures at state level. As the market leader for data analysis, reporting and GIS for environmental administration in Germany, we have always seen ourselves as partners and supporters of environmental administration. The long-standing and successful cooperation with our customers proves that our products provide the solutions they need. The experience gained from numerous customer projects flows into the further development of our products. disy Cadenza is currently used on thousands of workstations across all administrative levels in Germany and Austria for the analysis, reporting and evaluation of spatial data. disy Cadenza has become the de facto standard in German-speaking environmental administration, as our tools and solutions meet its technological requirements.

Environmental Reporting Systems

One of the main tasks in environmental administration is the constant analysis of data and its supply in the form of maps, analyses and reports. The most elegant solution is a reporting system covering all departments. Users of a reporting system based on disy Cadenza can view environmental and spatial data consistently and jointly, via a uniform and easy-to-use access. This makes the reporting system a central platform for environmental management. Extensive specialist data from many sources can be accessed and effectively communicated to various target groups without the detour of data migration.

Spatial Data Infrastructures and GIS

GeoInformation Systems (GIS) and Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI) are the appropriate tools for performing specialist tasks in environmental management. The environment per se has a spatial reference and gives rise to many questions that can only be answered in a spatial context. This is why disy Cadenza, as the only tool on the market, provides the advantages of a combined reporting and geoinformation system. It hands users the possibility of using disy Cadenza to visualise and gather specialist spatial data as desktop GIS, as web GIS and - since 2012 - as mobile GIS. GIS solutions by Disy are designed to allow specialists from the environmental department, who often have little or no GIS experience, to use map-based access as an additional tool for their job.


Kim Huebner

Kim Hübner

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