
Data Integration and ETL

Good decisions are based on a solid foundation of data.

Data records from different specialist applications laying scattered across various servers, diverse database systems as well as data in different formats and qualities present an obstacle. Disy supports you in all issues concerning data integration and preparation of your data, so that you can make fast decisions and fulfil your reporting and evaluation requirements.

In order for your data to be always up-to-date and quality assured in the future, we automate these data flows with the help of ETL processes (extraction, transformation and loading). We design and model the necessary ETL jobs or directly develop respective routines in the database. Depending on the requirements, we use modern data integration tools such as Talend with Disy’s extension “GeoSpatial Integration”. Alternatively we work with tools for the transformation of special spatial formats, such as FME by “Safe Software”. Thanks to our wealth of experience we are in a position to provide you with comprehensive advice in terms of the tools’ individual strengths and weaknesses. We work with you closely to design the best data flow solution for your organisation and application requirements. To do this, we map database schemas to each other, data types are converted and key lists are harmonised. Data correction, reduction, aggregation and quality assurance are carried out prior to release or publication.

If desired, we additionally enrich your data in the data integration processes with official spatial data (e.g. BKG data), OpenStreetMap data, data from ESRI solutions, from commercial data providers such as GFK or Here, or also from sensor-based systems. By geocoding or integrating spatial services, we are proud to include our GIS know-how and help you expand your data with spatial information.

In the future your data will be able to flow freely and automatically. They will be available in a secured and excellent quality and serve as basis for well-founded decisions: In internal systems and also on the World Wide Web.